My Experience in Wildlife Biology & Research· Conducted research on the habitat use, abundance and diversity of large mammals in Guizhou, China
• Tracked bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis) using radio telemetry; recorded observations, monitored health of lambs, investigated mortalities and performed field necropsies; entered and managed tabular and spatial data • Conducted predator surveys using camera traps, calls and direct observations • Aided in design of predator survey protocols; conducted research on use of remote sensing data in wildlife habitat analysis; downloaded and processed LANDSAT imagery; documented effects of wildfires on sheep and study area • Entered and managed tabular and spatial data using Access, Excel and ArcGIS for studies on the ecology and management of mountain lions (Puma concolor), black bears (Ursus americanus) and lynx (Lynx canadensis) • Identified species from camera trap images; collected and processed tissue samples for stable isotope, genetic and disease analysis; assisted with lion and bear captures, kill-site investigations and camera trap set up • Conducted research on relocation as a management tool for problem lions, lion resource selection and habitat suitability modeling; produced initial spatial model for potential relocation sites using ArcGIS Institute for Conservation Research, San Diego Zoo, Sierra Juarez, Baja California, Mexico/Escondido CA Field and Lab Assistant (Mar – Apr 2013) Supervisors: Dr. Mathias Tobler, Dr. Lisa Nordstrom • Documented presence and travel corridors for Peninsular desert bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis nelsoni) and mountain lions using camera traps and ground surveys; prepared scat samples for PCR and DNA extraction Colorado State University, Fort Collins CO Field Technician (Aug 2011- Apr 2012) Supervisors: Dr. Kevin Crooks, Ashley Gramza – Ph.D. student • Checked, repaired and installed camera traps for wildlife disease study of mountain lions, bobcats (Lynx rufus) and domestic cats (Felis catus); downloaded photos, managed and updated databases and schedules Lab Assistant (May - Aug 2011) Supervisors: Dr. Chris Funk, Staci Amburgey – M.S. student • Performed daily care of animals in frog lab; aided in nocturnal fieldwork and capture of specimens for speciation study of chorus frogs (Pseudacris maculata) Fundación Omacha, Vichada, Colombia Volunteer Research Assistant (June 2009 – Jan 2011; two months onsite) Supervisor: Dr. Fernando Trujillo • Designed and implemented mammal monitoring survey using camera traps; conducted line transect surveys of river dolphins (Inia geoffrensis); aided visiting biologists with field inventories of herpetofauna, fish, birds and plants • Assisted in behavioral study, rehabilitation and care of juvenile jaguar (Panthera onca) prior to soft release in El Tuparro National Park; captured prey species and collected prey scat for pre-release conditioning process • Led and supported environmental education programs for local children in Puerto Carreño • Provided remote assistance on research for anti-wildlife trafficking campaign, felid reintroductions and human-wildlife conflict and editing and translation of scientific reports and online content Centre for Marine Studies, Utila, Honduras Volunteer Research Diver (Mar – Apr 2009) Supervisor: Dr. Stephen Box • Attended week-long course on tropical marine ecology and field techniques; conducted dive surveys evaluating population dynamics, distribution and health of reef fish, invertebrates, corals, dolphins and whale sharks (Rhincodon typus); monitored spawning aggregations of groupers • Assisted in community education and awareness initiatives with local dive shops, tourists and residents University of Arizona (UA), The Nature Conservancy (TNC), Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Northern Jaguar Project (NJP), Sky Island Alliance (SIA), Southern Arizona/Northern Sonora, Mexico Volunteer Research Assistant (Sept 2008 – Mar 2009) Supervisors: Lisa Haynes (UA); Ken Wiley (TNC); Jim Mahoney (BLM); Diana Hadley (NJP); Janice Przybyl (SIA) • Conducted fieldwork for several occupancy, movement and diet studies of mountain lions, bobcats, ocelots and jaguars using camera traps and other noninvasive data collection techniques • Led a large scale land survey project in San Pedro National Riparian Conservation Area to document breaks and human-caused damage to area boundaries with support from BLM and TNC • Assisted organizations and researchers on various projects through grant writing, research, ecological monitoring, data analysis, event planning, writing/editing and capacity building support • Completed Sky Island Alliance's 5-day Wildlife Tracking Workshop Computer: ArcGIS, ERDAS Imagine, MARK, DISTANCE, PRESENCE, R, Microsoft Office (Excel, Word, Powerpoint, Access) Field/Outdoor Skills: • Wildlife monitoring: Camera-traps, radio telemetry, electronic calling, VHS/satellite tracking, line transect surveys • Wilderness navigation and survival; use of GPS and compass • Large/small mammal tracking, sign, bone ID • Large/small mammal capture, immobilization, handling, marking (collars, PIT tags) • Mortality investigations, basic necropsy and tissue sample collection • Use of 4WD vehicles and off-road driving • Use of binoculars, scope, rangefinder, still and video cameras • Use of handgun, rifle, shotgun, dart gun • Use of machete, saws, axes, hand tools • Basic construction • Animal husbandry • Taxidermy; skin and skeletal preparation • Certified PADI Advanced Open Water Diver • Fishing • Lifelong backcountry traveler and hiker Languages: Advanced Mandarin Chinese, Intermediate Spanish, Basic Portuguese Professional Memberships: Society for Conservation Biology (2010-present), The Wildlife Society (2012 –present) Travel and International Work and Study: Brazil (Mato Grosso, São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro), Canada (Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia, British Columbia), China (Beijing, Shanghai, Tibet, Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia, Guangdong, Fujian, Sichuan, Qinghai, Zhejiang, Guizhu, Hunan), Colombia (Vichada, Bogota), Honduras (Utila, La Ceiba), Japan (Tokyo), Mexico (Baja California, Sonora, Guanajuato, Yucatan, Chiapas, Oaxaca, Quintana Roo), Peru (Amazonas, Cusco, Lima), Turkey (Istanbul, Nevşehir, Hatay) and U.S. (42 states and DC)cel, Word, Powerpoint, Access) My Previous Experience in Non-profit management &